Primary Care

Emergency Care

We have the facilities, equipment, skills and capabilities, and trained staff to stabilize and care for most emergency and critical patients. Though we are not a 24-hour practice, our veterinary hospitals are open seven days a week and most holidays, so we can be available to administer to patients when they need it.

When a crisis occurs, there is nothing more important than acting quickly to stabilize the patient. During operational hospital hours, our staff veterinarians respond rapidly and decisively to emergencies. We normally function with a high staff to doctor ratio, and can shift additional personnel to critical cases when necessary. In just minutes during a crisis, our staff veterinarians can review lab results, radiographs, echocardiogram and ultrasound images, blood gases analysis, blood chemistries and monitor all vital signs. These tools help them determine if the patient needs to stabilize in the oxygen cage, undergo immediate surgery, and to define a medical treatment plan. Because our veterinary hospitals have this diagnostic and treatment equipment in-house, it gives veterinarians immediate information to begin patient care.

Our veterinarians are general practitioners, and, when it is in the best interests of the patient, will refer the case to an outside specialist.