Preventive Care

Wellness Exams

Regular wellness visits allow us to evaluate your pet's general health and to identify any problems before they escalate into something more serious. Regular checkups allow us to identify problems early and correct or control developing health issues. It is sometimes difficult for pet owners to know when something is wrong, particularly with exotic pets. Count on our experience and expertise to help you prevent disease and support wellness in your pets.

Video: Partners for Healthy Pets - The importance of Regular Checkups

Pet Wellness

Every year for a dog or cat is equivalent to about seven human years. Therefore, it is important that your pets receive a wellness exam at least annually, and more often in their senior years.

Let's take a closer look at what you can expect at during a periodic wellness visit for your dog or cat.

  • A thorough physical exam: we inspect your pet from nose to tail; check the skin, fur, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and abdomen for any signs of trouble; carefully listen to the heart and lungs; and check weight and overall body condition.
  • Vaccinations: we make recommendations based on your pet's species, age, and lifestyle.
  • Fecal examination: we perform this test at least annually for dogs and cats to detect gastrointestinal parasites (worms).
  • Heartworm testing: we recommend this test for dogs and cats to detect a serious mosquito-borne parasite. Heartworm disease can be prevented with monthly medication in dogs with a confirmed negative test.
  • Screening for tick-borne diseases: along with heartworm testing, we check dogs for exposure to several diseases common in our area including Lyme disease (borellia), Ehrlichiosis, and Anaplasmosis. Timely treatment can prevent the development of more serious problems.
  • Parasite control: we prescribe regular parasite control medications to prevent both intestinal parasites (worms) and heartworms from contributing to animal and human health problems.
  • Blood tests: we recommend these tests at least annually for dogs and cats, especially those older than seven years. They provide a normal baseline for your pet and help detect changes in organ function that can be addressed by medication or adjustments to diet and lifestyle.

Wellness for Exotic Pets & Birds

It can be difficult to recognize sickness in exotic pets and birds. Many illnesses result from inadequate husbandry, often due to inappropriate diet. Pet shops, where many birds and exotic pets are obtained, do not always provide adequate or proper care guidelines.

During the wellness visit, we teach you how to best care for your unique pet. This support significantly reduces the risk of illness and increases longevity. Ask for our animal care sheets for your pet's species, follow the suggestions, and enjoy a long and happy relationship with your exotic pet.

Read more about pet wellness exams from The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA).

Is your pet overdue for a regular check-up? Is something about your pet's health troubling you? Call us today to schedule an appointment: (914) 949????????8860

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