Teach your dog to swim

  teach dog to swim

If your dog isn’t a natural-born swimmer who dives into water at every chance, don’t worry! You can still teach your dog to love swimming and spending time in the water.

Follow these tips for safe and successful canine swim lessons:

  • Always play lifeguard and never leave your dog unsupervised! Even dogs who are strong, experienced swimmers can get into trouble—for example, by jumping into a pool they don’t know how to get back out of or into a river with a strong current.
  • Use a doggie life jacket. All dogs should wear a life jacket when they are learning how to swim. Some stocky breeds with short legs, like bulldogs and pugs, always need a life jacket when they swim. Be sure to purchase a life jacket with a secure attachment for a leash as well as a strong handle so you can pull your dog out of the water if needed.
  • Start shallow. Begin by simply having your dog get their paws wet. If big bodies of water scare your dog, you can even do this with a backyard kiddie pool. Play together in the shallow water to show your dog what fun it can be.
  • Gradually increase the depth. Over several sessions, gradually prompt your dog to go farther into the water. Try to do this in water you feel comfortable going into as well, so you can call your dog to you. You can also throw a toy or a ball into the water to encourage your dog to swim after it.
  • Keep it positive! Make swimming a fun playtime, with lots of toys, treats and encouragements so your dog learns to love water time. Never push your dog to go beyond what they feel comfortable doing. If they are hesitating to go deeper, keep the session at their comfort level and try again next time.

With a little patience and lots of enthusiasm, you’ll have a water-loving dog in no time! 

Plus, remember to be ready for a little cleanup after all your aquatic fun. 

Browse our veterinarian-recommended shampoos, conditioners and ear cleaners to keep your water dog smelling good >>