Alternative Medicine


VCA client Suzanne Staton met her best friend, Friday the dachshund, when he was just six weeks old. "It was the beginning of my second year at Coastal Carolina University and my first time ever away from home. He is my best friend and I can't imagine my life without him. Friday also traveled to work with me across the state of South Carolina and has been into five different offices of mine. My coworkers treat him as if he was their own. He is like my company's mascot."

In 2010, Friday had surgery for a slipped disc with excellent results. After surgery he continued a normal routine and traveled with Suzanne until this past December when at the age of 13, Friday slipped another disc and lost the use of his rear legs. Suzanne worried that Friday might be out of options when she carried him into the hospital that day. Instead, Dr. Newman introduced the pair to Dr. Laurel Berger-Bishop to discuss Acupuncture, a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCVM) available at VCA Palmetto.

"Dr. Newman said Friday could actually have a positive outcome with his situation and asked me how I would feel having him have acupuncture. I knew it involved needles, I wasn't sure if it would work or not, but at that time it was my last resort. I was going to give it a try. Anything to save my child. Friday is my everything. I do not have children, therefore, Friday is my child."

Dr. Berger-Bishop started Friday with his first acupuncture session that day and after completing 5 acupuncture session she is happy to report that he is responding well. "Friday has a somewhat anxious disposition, and after acupuncture he seems to relax more. Friday is no longer showing clinical signs, such as weakness, pain or neurologic deficits (incoordination) in his hind legs." According to Suzanne, Friday is so relaxed after an acupuncture session, he will sometimes sleep comfortably for many hours afterwards.

Suzanne also reports that Friday has even started to run which made her very nervous. "With each acupuncture treatment, I have been able to see improvement. After the third acupuncture, Friday is now running and it makes me completely nervous. Dr. Bishop tells me to just let him be a dog." Suzanne's thoughts on acupuncture: "It's like the miracle you didn't know would happen and then all of a sudden your prayers get answered. I have no regrets having Friday do acupuncture. I wonder sometimes if I did not give acupuncture a chance, would Friday be here today. My recommendation to other clients is to give it a try."

There are different types of Acupuncture offered at VCA Palmetto Animal Hospital. Dr. Berger-Bishop tells clients, "Acupuncture is an effective, non-invasive technique for managing pain and many chronic conditions. It should be considered as another tool to be used in an integrated approach to health care in pets. Integrating traditional Western Medicine such as diagnostic testing, medication, surgery, and stem cell therapy, with Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM), including acupuncture and herbal medicine, gives us the best combination of treatment options for our pets. TCVM can be very successful in reducing pain and inflammation, but is also good for supporting and strengthening the immune system and other organ systems. Acupuncture can be used to reduce allergies, itching, and seizure activity, as well as anxiety and other issues."

If you feel acupuncture may benefit your pet, call VCA Palmetto Animal Hospital and schedule an acupuncture consultation today. Dr. Berger-Bishop will complete a thorough physical exam and evaluate your pet. She will answer questions to help you decide the best course of treatment for your pet.